Industry Focus Pharmaceuticals.


IBH recognizes the sensitivities and risks facing healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies.

Healthcare providers (hospitals, clinics, etc.), Retail pharma and Pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution deal with human life. The most minor mistakes often have the gravest consequences, consequences that in many cases organizations are unable to recover from.

IBH understands the sensitivities and risks involved. We support dozens of hospitals and clinics around the GCC and Middle East. We advise and insure a number of pharma manufacturers and distributors in Saudi Arabia and the greater Middle East.
Some of the covers and services particularly important for these sectors include:

  • Medical Malpractice
  • Property Insurances
  • Machinery Breakdown
  • Product liability and Product Recall
  • Comprehensive General Liability
  • Property Risk Control
  • Risk Management and Consulting

Careers at IBH.

IBH gives priority to recruiting personnel with work experience at any of the group’s subsidiaries.

IBH Offices.

We serve clients around the world through a combination of direct IBH offices as well as its partners through the GBN Worldwide Network.