Specialist Solutions Treaty and Binding Authorities.

Treaty and Binding Authorities.

IBH and Crescent Global specialize in the design and placement of treaties and binding authorities.

Every company’s treaty program is its primary key to success. The more comprehensive and innovative, the more any insurance company’s chances for competing in its marketplace. At IBH, we specialize in the design and placement of treaties and binding authorities for specialist classes.

In addition, to run-of-the-mill bouquet programs, we can provide treaties and binders for the following types and classes of business on both proportional and XOL basis:

  • Accident & Health
  • Political Violence
  • Marine Hull
  • High worth Vehicles
  • Yachts and Pleasure Crafts
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Bankers Blanket Bond
  • Aviation
  • Live Stock/Blood Stock
  • CAT Covers

Careers at IBH.

IBH gives priority to recruiting personnel with work experience at any of the group’s subsidiaries.

IBH Offices.

We serve clients around the world through a combination of direct IBH offices as well as its partners through the GBN Worldwide Network.